Welcome to ISB

You are looking for orientation to get the best education possible for your child? We would like to offer you clues to make the right decisions. We have set up two priorities as a basic of success for our students: education (at school) and the development of the individual personality. These two in combination are the optimal basis for a good perspective concerning your child`s life. Education (at school) is the basis for individual support working in small groups. Clear structures enable the children`s development of responsibility for themselves and the development of their personality and strength. In addition there is a variety of offers for groups that support the social competence of your children being important ion their professional life. This includes the possibility of taking part in family life at weekends.

You can get a first interesting insight into/impression about the school here at our tour

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Carsten Dierk


Termine für das Schuljahr 2024/25

Die Terminliste für das neue Schuljahr 2024/25 finden Sie hier als Download.  

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1. Platz bei Lego-Schülerwettbewerb

Das Team der Privaten Gymnasien Schloss Buldern hat am Mittwoch, den 17.04.2024 beim...

Termine für das Schuljahr 2023/24

Die Terminliste für das neue Schuljahr 2023/24 finden Sie hier als Download.

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